Ericka Jones-Craven
Artist Statement
Up for Air, 2018
Up for Air is a testimony. It invites spiritual and non-spiritual people alike to breathe in the narrative of how queer, black bodies move within religious spaces. In black churches, queerness is casually present, but rarely addressed or spoken of. It’s considered a righteous threat to masculinity and femininity alike. The work prompts dialogue about the non-conversation that should be held for and by queer people of color in traditional places of worship. Through sound, color and light; I aim to create a visceral experience that offers crisp perspectives on the dynamics of the black church. The Sunday Morning ritual is just as sacred as the ritual of being baptized; each holding a certain significance. “Queer” in this illustration is not limited to only gender or sexuality; but spans further beyond. Individualism. Eccentricity. Silent conversations with God. Expression of self-doubt. Immersion into the deep waters of wonder, one may be born again or maybe stuck right beneath the surface. How does one conceptualize their personal religious or spiritual experience? Does one’s personal partialities stand in the way of their religious validations? And the largest question to be considered is, how would a community such as the traditional black church function after coming to realize that God could be fluid, and queer?
Up for Air is a testimony that speaks on the difficulties of embracing an identity that is overlooked and undermined. It is a testimony that expands on the idea of memory and beauty. It is the testimony of a journey to bliss.
- E
2020 We, Women Grant Recipient
Visit the website to learn more about the Organization, Awarded Artists and motivation behind Up for Air
Up for Air, Installation