“Communion: The spiritual in contemporary photography”
Artist: Maddie Ivey August 19 - October 1, 2016 Atlanta Photography Group Gallery

Curatorial Decision
Specification: Identity Expression and Visibility
God Answers Knee Mail was featured in a larger show titled Communion: The Spiritual in Contemporary Photography which I curated during my time at The Atlanta Photography Group Gallery. Through the lens of a queer woman, artist Maddie Ivey begins to ask questions to god in the form of an email. Why does sexuality matter? In this black and white succession of photos, Ivey documents a Southern gay couple and frames their relationship inside of the context of religious and spiritual spaces. The couple expresses that they often feel so isolated from the religious community simply because of their sexuality identities, but are also asking questions about the validity of their own faith.
“It lead me to thinking that instead of trying to communicate with you through religious figures, I should communicate with you through people on the complete opposite end of the spectrum.” — Ivey
Ivey’s conceptual approach to communicating with god in the form of an email depicted through photographs, really speaks to the complicated time we live in. A digital world that is often filled with interruptions is visually translated into a romantic, historical collections of a gay couple being inserted into “unconventional spaces.” This series puts sexuality at the intersection of religious tolerance and initiates questions from multiple communities.
“I truly believe religion can be a beautiful thing and helps bring people together. I just wish it could bring everyone together because in the end, putting sexuality aside, everyone deserves your love equally. Everyone matters.
Thank you for listening and all that you do.
With Integrity,
Maddie Ivey
Sent On My Knees”