May 3 - December 8, 2019 Brooklyn Museum


Curatorial Decision

Specification: Celebration of History/Queer Archives

NOBODY PROMISED YOU TOMORROW: 50 YEARS AFTER STONEWALL presents twenty-eight LGBTQ+ artists born after 1969 whose works grapple with the unique conditions of our political time, and question how moments become monuments. Through painting, sculpture, installation, performance, and video, these artists engage interconnected themes of revolt, commemoration, care, and desire. The June 1969 riots at New York City's Stonewall Inn marked a raucous turning point in the fight for LGBT rights. On a hot summer night in 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a bar located in New York City's Greenwich Village that served as a haven for the city's gay, lesbian and transgender community. 50 years later, artists are creating, collaborating and exhibiting work that solidifies this significant time in history through resilience and creativity.

The embodiment of an archive that marks a point in history is important in today’s society because there are so many stories that have been lost and swept under the rug as a result of discrimination, especially when it comes to communities of color, LGBTQ+, poor, sick, etc. NOBODY PROMISED YOU TOMORROW: 50 YEARS AFTER STONEWALL is jam-packed with a never-ending spiral of stories and narratives that seamlessly encompass the history of Stonewall and reinforce the weight the stories carry in American culture today.

The Brooklyn Museum is a hub for underrepresented communities and always welcomes artists, curators and activists to use the space as a commune for conversation, relief and community building. In 2017, the Brooklyn Museum exhibited We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965–85 which highlighted the works of black and women of color.


Contributing Curators

Margo Cohen Ristorucci, Public Programs Coordinator

Lindsay C. Harris, Teen Programs Manager, Education

Carmen Hermo, Associate Curator, Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art

Allie Rickard, Curatorial Assistant, Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art

Lauren Argentina Zelaya, Acting Director, Public Programs, Brooklyn Museum

Resource Room is organized by Levi Narine, Teen Programs Assistant, InterseXtions and Special Projects, in collaboration with the curators.

Featured Artists

Mark Aguhar

Felipe Baeza

Morgan Bassichis

Anna Betbeze

David Antonio Cruz

TM Davy

Amaryllis DeJesus Moleski

John Edmonds

Mohammed Fayaz

Camilo Godo

Jeffrey Gibson

Hugo Gyrl

Juliana Huxtable

Rindon Johnson

DonChristian Jones

Papi Juice

Elektra KB

Linda LaBeija

Park McArthur

Michi Ilona Osato

Una Aya Osato

Elle Pérez

LJ Roberts

Tuesday Smillie


Kiyan Williams

Sasha Wortzel

Constantina Zavitsanos